Sunday, 8 September 2013

"Ununpentium" : The new element 115

 Researchers from Lund University in Sweden confirmed a new element created  by slamming atoms of one element, calcium, into atoms of another called americium. The newly formed element vanished quickly in a flash of radiation that scientists could measure. That flash, or "fingerprint," confirmed the existence of an element with 115 protons at its center. That would give it the atomic number of 115 on the periodic table, the list of all elements known to humanity. The Swedes were the second group of scientists to create the element. A group of Russian scientists put together the same type of atom in 2004. The Swedish scientists have not given element 115 a name yet. Until they do, it has a temporary name: "Ununpentium." That may be harder to memorize than "element 115," but it is a scientific term made from Latin and Greek that basically means 1-1-5.



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