Monday, 30 September 2013

First mind-controlled bionic leg at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

After losing his lower right leg in a motorcycle accident four-and-a-half years ago, 32-year-old Zac Vawter has been fitted with an artificial limb that uses neurosignals from his upper leg muscles to control the prosthetic knee and ankle. The motorized limb is the first thought-controlled bionic leg, scientists at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago reported Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine. 

When Vawter thinks he wants to move his leg, the brain signal travels down his spinal cord and through peripheral nerves and is picked up by electrodes in the bionic leg. Unlike robotic models currently on the market, the prosthesis allows a normal, smooth gait no matter the incline. Although the cost hasn't been determined, a version could be available to the more than one million Americans with leg amputations within three to five years, the Chicago scientists said. 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

7 Excessive Emotional Feelings That Damage Body Organs!

 Unbalanced emotion is the biggest cause of blockages in the body. Chinese Medicine tells us that over excitement and excessive causes damage to the heart energy.

Anger and anxiety damages the liver energy. Fears damage the kidneys. Sadness and depression damage the lung energy. Too much thinking and mental work damages the stomach and pancreas.

When a person gets angry, for example, the automatic chemical activities of the body cause energy to collect in the liver. If this energy is not removed from the live, a blockage gradually forms and our liver becomes sick.

Let’s look at how over-happiness would cause damage to the heart. When a person is very excited, the energy heats the heart first. Excess energy travels up to the brain. Once the energy gets into the brain, it is not easy to get it out, because the channel between the torso and the head is very narrow. Just like an overfilled balloon, an energy explosion could result in a stroke or heart attack.

Our ancient wisdom asks us to stay calm all the time to keep the Yin and Yang energy in a good balance.
Excess emotional activity causes severe yin-yang energy imbalances, wild aberrations in the flow of blood, qi (vital energy) blockages in the meridians and impairment of vital organ functions. Once physical damage has begun, it is insufficient to eliminate the offending emotion to affect a cure; the prolonged emotional stress will require physical action as well. The emotions represent different human reactions to certain stimuli and do not cause disease under normal conditions.

- In Traditional Chinese Medicine, joy refers to a state of agitation or overexcitement.
“When one is excessively joyful, the s
pirit scatters and can no longer be stored,” states the Lingshu (The Vital Axis). However, in TCM, joy refers to a states of agitation or overexcitement, rather than the more passive notion of deep contentment. The organ most affected is the heart. Over-stimulation can lead to problems of heart fire connected with such symptoms as feelings of agitation, insomnia and palpitations.

- Anger, as described by TCM, covers the full range of associated emotions including resentment, irritability, and frus
An excess of rich blood makes one prone to anger. Anger will thus affect the liver, resulting in stagnation of liver qi (vital energy). This can lead to liver energy rising to the head, resulting in headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms. In the long run it can result in high blood pressure and can cause problems with the stomach and the spleen. It is commonly observed that ruddy, “full-blooded” people with flushed faces are more prone than others to sudden fits of rage at the slightest provocation.

- Anxiety can block the qi and manifest in rapid, shallow breathing.
“When one feels anxiety, the qi (vital energy) is blocked and does not move.” Anxiety injures the lungs, which control qi (vital energy) through breathing. Common symptoms
of extreme anxiety are retention of breath, shallow, and irregular breathing. The shortage of breath experienced during periods of anxiety is common to everyone. Anxiety also injures the lungs’ coupled organ, the large intestine. For example, over-anxious people are prone to ulcerative colitis.

- In TCM, pensiveness or concentration is considered to be the result of thinking too much or excessive mental and intellectual stimulation.
Any activity that involves a lot of mental effort will run
the risk of causing disharmony. The organ most directly at risk is the spleen. This can lead to a deficiency of spleen qi (vital energy), in turn causing worry and resulting in fatigue, lethargy, and inability to concentrate.

- The lungs are mor
e directly involved with this emotion. A normal and healthy expression of grief can be expressed as sobbing that originates in the depths of the lungs – deep breathes and the expulsion of air with the sob. However, grief that remains unresolved and becomes chronic can create disharmony in the lungs, weakening the lung qi (vital energy). This in turn can interfere with the lung’s function of circulating qi (vital energy) around the body.

- Fear that cannot be directly addressed is likely to lead to
disharmony in the kidneys.
Fear is a normal and adaptive human emotion. But when it becomes chronic and when the perceived cause of the fear cannot be directly addressed, then this is likely to lead to disharmony. The organs most at risk are the kidneys. In cases of extreme fright, the kidney’s ability to hold qi (vital energy) may be impaired leading to involuntary urination. This can be a particular problem with children.

- Fright is another emotion not specifically related to only one organ. I
t is distinguished from fear by its sudden, unexpected nature. Fright primarily affects the heart, especially in the initial stages, but if it persists for some time, it becomes conscious fear and moves to the kidneys.
The emotions are considered the major internal causes of disease in TCM. Emotional activity is seen as a normal, internal, physiological response to stimuli from the external environment. Within normal limits, emotions cause no disease or weakness in the body. However, when emotions become so powerful that they become uncontrollable and overwhelm or possess a person, then they can cause serious injury to the internal organs and open the door to disease. It is not the intensity as much as the prolonged duration or an extreme emotion, which causes damage. While Western physicians tend to stress the psychological aspects of psychosomatic ailments, the pathological damage to the internal organs is very real indeed and is of primary concern of the TCM practitioner.

Friday, 27 September 2013

A Record Making Solar Cell With Better Efficiency

The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Soitec, CEA-Leti and the Helmholtz Center Berlin jointly announced today having achieved a new world record for the conversion of sunlight into electricity using a new solar cell structure with four solar subcells. Surpassing competition after only over three years of research, and entering the roadmap at world class level, a new record efficiency of 44.7% was measured at a concentration of 297 suns. 

This indicates that 44.7% of the solar spectrum's energy, from ultraviolet through to the infrared, is converted into electrical energy. This is a major step towards reducing further the costs of solar electricity and continues to pave the way to the 50% efficiency roadmap.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

20 Benefits Of Walking..

**Helps with Weight Management. 

**It`s Accessible to Everyone.

**Doesn`t require special equipment.

**One of the easiest ways to get more active.

**Reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.

**It`s a low impact exercise.

**Lowers low density lipoprotien (LDL) cholesterol   (the        "bad" cholesterol )

**Raises high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "Good" cholesterol )

** Lower blood pressure.

**Reduces the risk of some cancers.

**Helps reduces risk and aids with the management of type 2 diabetes.

**Improve mood.

**Helps maintain strong bones.

**Reduces risk of heart disease.

**Less likely to lead to injuries.

**Reduces stress.

**you don`t have to pay for it.

**builds aerobic fitness.

**reduces risk of heart disease.

**Helps to maintain lean muscle tissue.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Look Closely, And You’ll See An Hidden Nocturnal..

Look closely, and you’ll see an Eastern screech owl hiding in plain sight!

These owls are nocturnal and their amazing camouflage allows them to go largely unnoticed in the daytime.

These owls only grow to about 22 cm (8.5 in) tall and weigh about 244 grams (8.6 oz), but they have been observed hunting squirrels and rats who rival them in length and weight. Eastern screech owls are found in North America from Canada all the way down to Mexico.

10 Amazing Lessons from Albert Einstein

1 - Follow Your Curiosity
“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”
What piques your curiosity? I am curious as to what causes one person to succeed while another person fails; this is why I’ve spent years studying success. What are you most curious about? The pursuit of your curiosity is the secret to your success.

2 - Perseverance is Priceless

“It's not that I'm so smart; it's just that I stay with problems longer.”Through perseverance the turtle reached the ark. Are you willing to persevere until you get to your intended destination? They say the entire value of the postage stamp consist in its ability to stick to something until it gets there. Be like the postage stamp; finish the race that you’ve started!

3 - Focus on the Present

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”

My father always says you cannot ride two horses at the same time. I like to say, you can do anything, but not everything. Learn to be present where you are; give your all to whatever you’re currently doing.

Focused energy is power, and it’s the difference between success and failure.

4 - The Imagination is Powerful

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Are you using your imagination daily? Einstein said the imagination is more important than knowledge! Your imagination pre-plays your future. Einstein went on to say, “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.” Are you exercising your “imagination muscles” daily, don’t let something as powerful as your imagination lie dormant.

5 - Make Mistakes

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”Never be afraid of making a mistake. A mistake is not a failure. Mistakes can make you better, smarter and faster, if you utilize them properly. Discover the power of making mistakes. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, if you want to succeed, triple the amount of mistakes that you make.

6 - Live in the Moment

“I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.”

The only way to properly address your future is to be as present as possible “in the present.”

You cannot “presently” change yesterday or tomorrow, so it’s of supreme importance that you dedicate all of your efforts to “right now.” It’s the only time that matters, it’s the only time there is.

7 - Create Value

“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value."

Don’t waste your time trying to be successful, spend your time creating value. If you’re valuable, then you will attract success.
Discover the talents and gifts that you possess, learn how to offer those talents and gifts in a way that most benefits others.Labor to be valuable and success will chase you down.

8 - Don’t Expect Different Results

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”You can’t keep doing the same thing everyday and expect different results. In other words, you can’t keep doing the same workout routine and expect to look differently. In order for your life to change, you must change, to the degree that you change your actions and your thinking is to the degree that your life will change.

9 - Knowledge Comes From Experience

“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”Knowledge comes from experience. You can discuss a task, but discussion will only give you a philosophical understanding of it; you must experience the task first hand to “know it.” What’s the lesson? Get experience! Don’t spend your time hiding behind speculative information, go out there and do it, and you will have gained priceless knowledge.

10 - Learn the Rules and Then Play Better

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”
To put it all in simple terms, there are two things that you must do. The first thing you must do is to learn the rules of the game that you’re playing. It doesn’t sound exciting, but it’s vital. Secondly, you must commit to play the game better than anyone else. If you can do these two things, success will be yours!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Sinus can be very annoying at times, so do not let it take the better of you. Here are some of the natural ways that might help you:
Fenugreek seeds: one of the most effective ways to deal with sinusitis is to drink tea made with fenugreek seeds.
It shortens the period of fever and helps your body to perspire. Boil 2 tablespoon of the seeds.

 Drink it 3-4 times daily and as the condition improves the quantity should be reduced accordingly.
Cumin seeds: another measure is to inhale the steam of cumin seeds tied in a piece of cloth and put it in boiling water. Or an alternative is to take grounded cumin seeds with honey which also helps in relieving the sinus.

Vitamin A rich sources: mango, papaya, egg yoke, pumpkin, leafy vegetables that are rich in vitamin A helps in the treatment and prevention of sinusitis. Vitamin C also proves helpful in the treatment to some extent.

Intake of onion and garlic: increase your intake of onion and garlic. This helps in the movement of the mucus making it less sticky. Black pepper also helps in treating respiratory infections. Vegetable Juice: to a large extent vegetable juice such as carrot juice, beet and spinach juice etc. are beneficial in the treatment.

Monday, 23 September 2013


Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Boost and cleanseour system.

Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and eliminate stomach upset and headache.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple - Improve skin complexion and eliminate bad breath.

Bitter gourd + Apple + Milk - Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.

Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon - To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi - To improve skin complexion.

Pear & Banana - regulates sugar content.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Clear bodyheat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and fight oxidization.

Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk - Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increase cellactivity and strengthen body immunity.

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.

Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in Vitamins with nutrition and prevent constipation.

Sunday, 22 September 2013


 1. Green tea helps burn fat

It can help speed up the metabolic rate because its antioxidant effect helps the liver to function more efficiently.

2. Green tea protects against heart disease

It has been shown to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, because its potent antioxidant effects inhibit the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the arteries.

3. Green tea can help lower blood pressure

A major cause of hypertension (high blood pressure) is an enzyme secreted by the kidneys called angiotension- converting enzyme (ACE).

4. Green tea can help protect against diabetes

When starch is consumed, it requires the enzyme amylase to break it down into simple sugars that can be absorbed in the bloodstream.

5. Green tea can help prevent food poisoning

As it can kill bacteria, drinking green tea with meals may reduce the risk of bacterial food poisoning.

6. Green tea can prevent bad breath

Drinking green tea - which is a natural anti-bacterial agent - with food may help kill the oral bacteria that cause cavities and bad breath.

7. Green tea guards against hepatitis

Viral hepatitis is often triggered by high levels of iron in the liver. Green tea lowers iron levels throughout the body, so may have a direct anti-viral effect against certain strains of hepatitis.

8. Green tea can protect against cancer

There is growing evidence to suggest that green tea contains compounds that fight cancer. The tea contains a compound called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which helps inhibit blood vessel growth.

9. Green tea can help prevent arthritis

A recent study found that antioxidants in green tea may prevent or reduce the severity of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

10. Green tea improves your immunity

Gargling with green tea boosts immunity to influenza and flu, according to a study in Japan.

11. Green tea can protect against Alzheimer's disease

A recent two-year study of a group of people aged 80 and over found that 96 per cent of those who drank ten cups of green tea a day showed no signs of cognitive impairment, compared to only 12 per cent who didn't drink green tea.

12. Green tea can help fight allergies 

Researchers in Japan have identified a compound in green tea that, in laboratory tests, blocks a key cell receptor involved in producing an allergic response...

There is a metal called gallium that can melt in your hand


 Gallium melts at 85 degrees Fahrenheit and does not occur in nature. At low temperatures, gallium is a brittle solid. It was discovered in 1875 and since its discovery has primarily been used in high temperature thermometers and in preparing of metal alloys. It is used in microwave circuitry and infrared applications

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Airless Bicycle Tires

Colorado-based company Britek Tire and Rubber has recently unveiled their Energy Return Wheel for bikes, an airless bicycle tire that promises a completely puncture-free ride.

The firm has already been working on an automobile-version of the tires, which Britek says will eliminate flats, boost fuel efficiency and improve the car’s performance. Each wheel consists of a flexible rubber center that’s held in place by adjustable rods. The outside of each tire is covered by a rubber tread while a series of elastic cushions fill the space in between, allowing the tire to give to bumps on the road.

The bike version of the tire relies on a similar concept but uses lightweight carbon fiber rims with openings along the sides. In the place of air pressure adjustments, bikers can tweak the rubber-tensioning rods to make their wheels harder or softer. The tires’ designers are also considering adding thin sidewalls to the wheels to insure that they won’t get inundated with roadside mud and debris.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Phonebloks: a LEGO-like Smartphone Concept

Phonebloks is made of detachable bloks. The bloks are connected to the base which locks everything together into a solid phone. If a blok breaks you can easily replace it, if it's getting old just upgrade. It's like an app store for hardware. In the store you buy your bloks, read reviews and sell old bloks. Small and big companies develop and sell their bloks. you can buy a pre-assembled phone or assemble it yourself by selecting the brands you want to support. The choice is yours.

Monday, 16 September 2013

God Created A Special Chip In The Name Of Brain

1.80% of the brain is water.This means that it is important that you remain properly hydrated for the sake of your mind.

2.Our brain is more active at night as compared to day.

3. Information travels along neurons at different speeds. This is why sometimes you can recall information instantly, and sometimes it takes a little longer.

4.Our brain makes up only 2% of our body weight yet it requires 20% of oxygen that enters our bloodstream.

5. The brain operates on same amount of power as 10-watt light bulb.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

A Rickshaw Puller Can Help More Than 300 Poor Students..Y Not U & Me..?
In 1987, a 74-year old rickshaw puller by the name of Bai Fangli came back to his hometown planning to retire from his backbreaking job. 
There, he saw children working in the fields, because they were too poor to afford school fees.

Bai returned to Tianjin and went back to work as a rickshaw puller, taking a modest accommodation next to the railway station. He waited for clients 24 hours a day, ate simple food and wore discarded second-hand clothes he found. 

He gave all of his hard-earned earnings to support children who could not afford education. In 2001, he drove his rickshaw to Tianjin YaoHua Middle School, to deliver his last installment of money. Nearly 90 years old, he told the students that he couldn't work any more. All of the students and teachers were moved to tears.

In total, Bai had donated a total of 350,000 yuan to help more than 300 poor students continue with their studies. In 2005, Bai passed away leaving behind an inspiring legacy.
If a rickshaw-puller who wore used clothes and had no education can support 300 children to go to school, imagine what you and I can do with the resources we have to bring about positive change in our world!

If you are going to SHARE one post today, let it be this one!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Charge Your Mobiles with Peepal Leaves!

Now, you do not require any mobile charger... to charge your mobiles. Only there is need to use green leaf of peepal(Ficus religiosa) tree and after some time your mobile will get charged.

No soon the... people came to learn this development, they tested it and found encouraging results. If your mobile has been discharged and you are inside a jungle then you need not to use any charger. You Should pluck two peepal(Ficus religiosa) leaves and your work would be done.

It is very good idea and easy to charge your mobile. You would have to open your mobile battery and connect it with peepal leaf. After that without shaking mobile set you should set the battery in your mobile set. After some time your mobile would be charged.

Though it is unbelievable but as soon as the residents of Chitrakoot,Nepal. came to know about the discovery they could not believe the news. But when they saw it practically then the incident proved true.

Now hundreds of mobile holders are using this technique and charging their mobiles.

Whereas according to the botanists, it is just changing mutual energy into electrical energy power can be saved in battery. Similarly, it is also possible. They said that it is the subject of research.

Step by Step guide to charge your mobile battery using peepal leaf:-
1- Open your mobile cover

2- Take out your battery

3- Take two to three fresh leaves of peepal/pipal/ashwattha tree

4- Touch the stub of these leaves on your mobile battery terminal for a minute

5- Clean the mobile battery terminal with the soft cloth

6- Put your battery again in your mobile and switch it on

7- Now you can see the result

8- If required repeat the process with fresh leaves.

Drinkable Sea Water : The Puri bottle

The Puri bottle: designed by Younsun Kim, Kangkyung Lee, Byungsoo Kim and Minji Kim, has its own system to remove salt from salt water, making sea water drinkable. With a small pumping system inside, the Puri effectively desalinates water, which could prove to be invaluable on a life raft or rescue boat.


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Living kidneys printed out in China

Scientists at a Chinese university in eastern Zhejiang Province have made an incredible medical leap by producing a 3D printed kidney that they say can function as a human organ. This advanced development in technology comes two years after Anthony Atala printed a human kidney live at a TED event two years ago. And now researchers are progressing in their effort to produce a viable organ that will be suitable for transplant.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Hidden Magnetic Portals Around Earth

 A NASA funded research project has discovered the existence of unexplained portals between the Earth and the Sun.

A NASA-sponsored researcher at the University of Iowa has developed a way for spacecraft to hunt down hidden magnetic portals in the vicinity of Earth. These gateways link the magnetic field of our planet to that of the sun, setting the stage for stormy space weather. A favorite theme of science fiction is "the portal"-an extraordinary opening in space or time that connects travelers to distant realms.


Monday, 9 September 2013

Armadillo-T : foldable, compact electric vehicle.


A group of researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) recently developed a possible solution to such problems: a foldable, compact electric vehicle that can be utilized either as a personal car or part of the public transit system to connect major transportation routes within a city. In-Soo Suh, associate professor of the Graduate School for Green Transportation at KAIST, and his research team introduced a prototype micro electric car called “Armadillo-T,” whose design is based on a native animal of South America, the armadillo, a placental mammal with a leathery armor shell. The concept car has loads of smart features on board, too: the cameras installed inside the car eliminate the need for side mirrors and increase the driver’s ability to see the car’s right and left side, thereby reducing blind spots. With a smartphone, the driver can control Armadillo-T and enable remote folding control. The car has a maximum speed of 60 km/h (37 mph), and with a ten-minute fast charge, it can run up to 100 km (62 miles).