Friday 23 August 2013

Ways To Improve Our Indian Economy

We have poorest of poor and richest of rich person in our country. We must adopt a few strict emergency steps to have better and speedy economy results to improve Indian Economy.

1. Planning to be done based on ground realities and implementation with transparencies at Contractors and Government level. Political interference in planning and implementation should be stopped and economic considerations by economists to be encouraged. 

2. Agricultural sector to be considered an economic priority for development.

3. Economically backward areas to be directly monitored by center and state economic experts.  A time bound program for poverty elimination be launched.

4. Economic disparity to be removed. Business community should be taxed by effective tax laws and severe punishments for tax evaders.

5. Infrastructure development to be undertaken in rural areas and encourage industrial development in these areas.

6. Strong Defense Forces will safeguard economic interests of the country. Check internal and external insurgency. This will encourage economic confidence of investor..

7. Skill development among students/ youth based on their aptitude and interests. Providing meaningful employment to all.

8. Minimum 4 hrs. productive working to be ensured for all .Even saints, sadhus and sanyasies be made to involve in productive activities for 4 hrs a day and then involve in religious and related activities. Assets with religious Trusts be used for creative employment for large population. Karma first and rest next.

9. Politicians/public servants/business houses adopting corrupt practices to be severely punished. Court decisions to be speedy to deal these extra-ordinary law beaker population.

10. Industrialization should be adopted for the balance growth in the country.

Do you have your own tip or special technique,please post it below ;)


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